Senin, 08 September 2014

Lovely August - Favorite of The Month

August flies fast like whoo and now here comes September. Well, I don’t really feel like there’s something precious on August except I joined again the dance club on my school (yeay!) which means I’ll be busier and busier, plus at the end of this month I have to go for dance competition ~_~ Wish me luck!

But since August has ended up, so why don’t we talk about the favorite stuff of the month? As for me, it is absolutely K-Drama! LOL, it’s impossible for a K-Pop’ers to do not pay attention at K-Drama, because, once you know it, you’ll dig more and more to fulfill your craving over it!

I’ve collected about 3-4 dramas and watched it a half, and I think this is time to review it ^^ Check this out~

You’re All Surrounded
(너희들은 포위됐다)

“LOL” is one word – if it could be said as word – that came up first when I saw this drama. It is an action and comedy drama with a bit of slice of life things. The lead role is Lee Seunggi as Eun Daegu / Kim Jiyong. I really expect much from this drama since Lee Seunggi, a well known actor, is played there as the lead role. We know that he has a great skill on acting and for this drama, yeah, he plays it good. I always love the way he express what does he feel, such as cry, mad, etc.

But, the one thing that caught my eyes is… THERE IS AHN JAEHYUN! Since I spotted him on “You Who Came From The Star”, I started to love him and his cutie pie image from hair to toe… Yes, Ahn Jaehyun, no kidding! I noticed that his skill on acting improve much in this drama, good job dear ^^

So the drama itself is about Kim Jiyong, who lives with his mom in Masan. One day, a mysterious man come and kill her mom in front of his eye. A detective – the legendary Seo Panseok – come to look after Kim Jiyong who is the only one eye witness on that murder. Kim Jiyong’s mom is murdered because she tries to witness a group of man who attacked a girl on the previous story. Seo Panseok promised to Kim Jiyong that he will protect his mom, but he couldn’t make it true. Kim Jiyong, who is upset to Seo Panseok, run away and deny to give his witness. Hold a grudge on his heart, he grows in the orphanage. He change his identity and name into Eun Daegu. He goes into law school and be a young detective, join other 3 members (include of Ahn Jaehyun as Park Tae-il >_<). In Gangam Police Station, he tries to find out what had happened 13 years ago.

I really like the story of this drama! All the action stuff and the way of detective work in police station are an exciting thing ^^ It gives me new knowledge and somehow it amazed me. The love story between Seo Panseok and his ex-wife is great too. The things that make me shocked is when I thought that Park Taeil is a gay but he is actually not! Haha >_<

 But, I got no thought when Eun Daegu falls in love with Eo Soo-sun, the only one girl members in the new class of officers. FYI, Eo Soo-sun is Kim Jiyong’s friend at middle school in Masan and fortunately they met again. As for me, Eun Daegu just simply loves her without any clear reason. Just because Eo Soo-sun is bold and persistent? Well, I don’t know, but this drama is worth to be watched ^^

Have you watched it? FYI, it has 20 episode in total, not a kind of long episode drama so you can watch it everyday ^^

Here I give you a sneak-peek capture of the drama.

The  new members of officers
A fan war, haha!

A stress face of Seo Panseok

Eun Daegu or "Daegu Daegu", that is how he usually called with

Eo Soo-sun

A model... Eo Soo-sun?

True model, Park Taeil! >_<

Action scene

Kiss scene >_<

Glasses Eun Daegu, reminds Eo Soo-sun of Kim Jiyong

When Seo Panseok realized that Eun Daegu is Kim Jiyong

When Park Taeil is hospitalized :(

So tell me your opinion about this drama! See you on the next post~

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